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What is the difference between manual and automated compliance

Is automation of the compliance process really possible? Cyber Security standards such as (ISO 27001) provide a framework for quality, security, and environmental management, enhancing both operational efficiency and customer trust. The ISO/IEC 27001 standard was originally released in 2005, then substantially updated in 2013, and, like the NIST CSF, was updated most recently in 2018.
April 14, 2023

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, maintaining information security compliance is paramount for organisations of all sizes. Cyber Security standards such as (ISO 27001) provide a framework for quality, security, and environmental management, enhancing both operational efficiency and customer trust. The ISO/IEC 27001 standard was originally released in 2005, then substantially updated in 2013, and, like the NIST CSF, was updated most recently in 2018. But notice since then nothing much has changed in the way we perform our audits. Traditionally, compliance has been managed through a manual process, which can be time-consuming and error-prone. However, as technology advances, many companies are turning to automation to revolutionise their ISO compliance efforts. In this article, we'll explore the numerous benefits of automating your ISO compliance compared to the conventional manual approach.

1. Enhanced Accuracy and Consistency

One of the most significant advantages of automating ISO compliance is the dramatic improvement in accuracy and consistency. Manual processes are inherently prone to human errors, including data entry mistakes, omissions, and inconsistencies. Automation, on the other hand, ensures that every compliance task is executed precisely according to predefined standards. This consistency reduces the likelihood of compliance breaches and costly errors.

2. Time and Resource Efficiency

The time and effort required to maintain ISO compliance manually can be overwhelming. Employees often spend countless hours sifting through documents, spreadsheets, and emails, which can be reallocated to more strategic tasks. With automation, repetitive and time-consuming compliance tasks, such as data collection, reporting, and document management, are streamlined, freeing up human resources for more value-added activities.

3. Real-time Monitoring and Alerts

Automated ISO compliance solutions offer real-time monitoring and alerts, a feature nearly impossible to replicate manually. This means that potential issues can be identified and addressed immediately, reducing the risk of compliance breaches. The ability to access real-time data and notifications empowers organisations to proactively manage their compliance efforts and respond promptly to any emerging risks.

4. Data Security and Document Management

ISO compliance often involves handling sensitive data and documentation. Manual processes can be less secure, with documents distributed across various platforms and devices, increasing the risk of data breaches. Automation systems provide a centralised, secure platform for document management, ensuring that sensitive information is protected, backed up, and readily accessible to authorised personnel.

5. Scalability

As organisations grow and expand, their compliance requirements become more complex. Manual processes may struggle to keep up with the increasing demands. Automated ISO compliance solutions are highly scalable and can adapt to evolving compliance needs, making them ideal for growing businesses.

6. Audit Preparedness

Facing an ISO audit can be a daunting task for organisations following manual compliance processes. Automated compliance systems help in preparing for audits by maintaining comprehensive records, reports, and evidence, which can be easily retrieved to demonstrate adherence to ISO standards. This makes the auditing process smoother, quicker, and less stressful.

In conclusion, automating your ISO compliance is a wise choice for modern organisations looking to stay competitive, efficient, and secure. The benefits of automation, including improved accuracy, time and resource efficiency, real-time monitoring, data security, scalability, and audit preparedness, are undeniable. By transitioning from manual processes to automated systems, businesses can proactively manage their ISO compliance, ensuring they meet the highest standards of quality, security, and environmental management. Embracing automation is not just about compliance; it's about future-proofing your business and streamlining your operations for long-term success.


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It's time we make amends with compliance and take foundational steps for our business.

“Compliance is just a subset of governance and not the other way around.”

Pearl Zhu
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