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Compliance Simplified.

AI powered, Zavior is an all-in-one continuous compliance solution system. Zavior allows organisations to scale their businesses by simplifying their compliance and security needs.
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Compliance shouldn't be that difficult

Discovery Tool with Zavvy AI
AI Discovery tools for asset discovery
Compliance assistant (Zavvy AI) to guide you through the process
Single Platform for all your digital and cyber security assets
Build trust and drive new client opportunities

Book a call short discovery call to understand your current needs.

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No more checklist!
Zavvy AI Discovery Tool for frictionless reorganising of documents

Zavvy AI allows for frictionless sorting and reorganising of all contracts, policies and documents. Zavior allows you to manage contracts and documents for your employees, vendors and policies

Single Platform Management

Stay organised and compliant on a single platform. Aggregating all your digital and cyber security assets into one.

No disruption to your existing operations

Seamless integrations of all your existing and new cybersecurity assets, including integrations for cloud providers, are essential to maintain a robust and comprehensive cyber security posture

Open up opportunities new clients

Meet local and international cyber security standards (ISO, DTPM and etc) allowing for new clients and a short RFP (request for proposal) process.

Your compliance assistant from the start to audit

Zavvy AI provides GAP analysis in preparation for your compliance journey. Always aware of what steps required to have a successful audit.

Investor & Partner Networks



Globally, 88% of organizations that have a board of directors report that their board now asks questions specifically about cyber security. [1]


Since 2016, Singapore's private watchdog has collected more than US$2.68 million in fines from 104 entities found to have breached PDPA. [2]
Data loss and business interruption were the leading impacts of cyber incidents in Singapore at 43% whilst many experienced reputational damage.


54% of SME states that they are more concerned about cyber security now than one year ago. [3]
25% of businesses states their biggest concern: A lack of time in managing security.

by 2023

The average Spend per Employee in the Cyber security market is projected to reach US$11.31 in 2023 in Southeast Asia [4]
43% SME owners have no cyber security defense plan in place at all – leaving their most sensitive financial, customer and business data, and ultimately their companies, at significant risk. [5]

It's the journey that matters.

Many companies are investing in training their employees to be more security-aware and vigilant, as well as implementing backup solutions, access control, and encryption to protect their critical data and systems. Hence its never too late.

Why do we need "a" Zavior?

Cyber Security frameworks have been around for over 20 years yet audit preparations have not adapted. At Zavior we're looking this change this.
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Time & Cost
⏱ / $  
⏱⏱⏱  / $$$
Limited, heavy lifting by integrations.
Intense, all evidence gathering dependent on manual administrative review.
Security Controls
Digital Dashboard with Evidence Collection.
Manually through PDFs and Spreadsheets.
Collected mainly through integrations & discovery tool.
Purely by Emails, Texts to Tech Team (CTO, CISO, COO).
Continuously throughout the year, with alerts ahead of audit period.
Once a year,
high pressure
situation to not fail.
Long Term Certificatication
All assets, evidence and audits on platform.
Dependent on an organised employee.

Let us be your Zavior!

It's time we make amends with compliance and take foundational steps for our business.

“Compliance is just a subset of governance and not the other way around.”

Pearl Zhu
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